I want to say one word to you. Just one word.... Plastics.”
Mr. McGuire, The Graduate

Monday, March 28, 2011

The Florida Workshop

Not to make anyone in the North East jealous, but I spent last weekend visiting my family who lives in Naples, Florida. It was sunny and 80 degrees every day. I spent some time exploring the Edison estate with mom on Friday, and dad made paté that he served with chilled rosé upon our return. Don't fret, I am now back in the NYC cold like everyone else, and there's nothing in my fridge.

Since my mother was curious about the Knit For Trees project, I showed her how to make yarn out of plastic bags, and she immediately started knitting.

My sister and my niece joined us on Saturday, and we spent the day making yarn and knitting. My mom had a lot of shopping bags that she had kept in the garage. All told, we cut probably between 50 and 65 bags: the entire collection.

As is evident in the photo below (the smile is NOT forced at all), everyone had a really good time.

In all seriousness, my mom, my sister and my niece were a big help this weekend (dad cooked both nights so his help is also greatly appreciated!), and they all seemed to enjoy participating in the project. As a matter of fact, my mom emailed me on Monday morning to let me know she had finished her first panel.

Thank you for a great weekend!!!

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